5 People to Partner With When Selling Your House in Baltimore

When selling your house, you will encounter many people and potential buyers walking through during showings. For those considering listing on your own to save money, you should know that the abysmal statistics show that only 8 percent of successful home sales are FSBO. They sell for much lower than they would with an agent; … Continued

What Baltimore Real Estate Buyers and Sellers Can Expect in 2023

A renewed focus on homeownership brought about by the pandemic changed the perspective of the population that would generally be renters. As a result, Baltimore real estate investors should be aware that this driving force is now cooling and consider adjusting their investment strategy accordingly. So read on as we explore what Baltimore real estate … Continued

How to Sell a House With Title Problems in Baltimore

If you need to sell a house, an issue with the title can throw a wrench into the works. It can be heartbreaking to go through all of the work and hassles of selling only to find out when it is finally time to close that issues exist with a title you believed to be … Continued

What You Should Know About Selling a Co-Owned Property in Baltimore

Co-ownership of a property allows participants to purchase property that would otherwise be beyond their means. For example, co-ownership is an excellent way for close friends or family members to help split the costs of a shared property or several properties in vacation spots, such as a beachfront property and a mountain home.  Co-ownership also … Continued

How to Know if it is Time to Sell Your House in Baltimore

While most homeowners expect to sell their homes at some point, sudden life changes like a job relocation or a family member who needs our care can force the decision. But, without that pressure, it can be a difficult decision. So often, homeowners remain in place long after the home best serves their needs because … Continued

Does FSBO Really Work When Selling a House in Baltimore

Jumping into unknown waters is risky, and when considering the best way to sell your house, there are potentially tens of thousands of dollars on the line. Representing yourself in selling your home in the Baltimore traditional real estate market places tremendous pressure on homeowners to perform to the level of professionals with years of … Continued

5 Signs it is Time to Downsize Your House in Baltimore

Despite the best of plans, life has a way of making a perfect fit into something no longer suitable. When you consider our emotional attachment to our homes, especially when they are filled with so many memories, realizing you might need to make a change can be very discomforting.  It’s helpful to understand that there … Continued

5 Challenges of Selling Your House in the Winter in Baltimore

Sellers face many challenges, from deciding which sales method suits their circumstances to when to list their house on the market. Winter can bring the need to change your approach to how you handle a variety of tasks.  If you’re selling your house in Baltimore during this season, information about handling these tests of fortitude … Continued

What Homeowners in Baltimore Can Expect During the Foreclosure Process

If you’re concerned about your property going into foreclosure due to circumstances beyond your control, the optimum scenario would be to work with your lender for a resolution before things go any further. However, going through the foreclosure process can be made easier when homeowners understand what lies ahead, so read on as we explore … Continued

How to Quickly Sell Your Unwanted Investment Property in Baltimore

Sometimes plans don’t come to fruition, and investment property can become a burden, depleting your time and funds. If you’re holding an unwanted investment property, you can take steps to exit the property quickly. Likewise, if you’ve inherited real estate and it’s draining your wallet and wearing on you emotionally, as challenging as it may … Continued
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